
Activating Women's Art Practice


Book your activation session here to get your art idea/project/practice off the ground or up into the clouds.

Display in the National Gallery

National Gallery Research

The WAAS are conducting ongoing intermittent research at the National Gallery, pursuing our interests in matresecence, pageantry, the unseen and invisible forces and activities in the space.

Baby Makers 2021

The Baby Makers

The Baby Makers, a series of creative workshops for women in pregnancy, is back for 2023-2024, thanks to a National Lottery Community Fund grant. We look forward to working together and creating material items, wellbeing and support.

History Bunting: telling a story of reproductive experience in Stroud

The Baby Makers: Making History 2021

The Baby Makers: Making History – creating collective artwork to tell the stories of reproduction and maternity in Stroud. Join us at the Museum in the Park on July 16th to learn more and take part.

Creating a drawing for the birth histories project

The Baby Makers: Making History 2024

The Baby Makers: Making History – The WAAS and Museum in the Park are partnering to collect histories of birth and reproduction in Stroud, thanks to an award from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Women's work - farming in Stroud, display caption Museum in the Park.

The Farmer Wants A Wife

The WAAS are taking part in the Walking the Land residency at the Gingerbread House, Oakbrook Farm, Stroud in November 2024.